Welcome to Your Ultimate Resource Hub for Leaving Certificate Maths Success!

At SeniorCycleMaths.ie, we’ve gathered an extensive bank of materials designed to empower Senior Cycle Maths students on their journey to success in the Leaving Certificate.

Unlock a Wealth of Knowledge: 

Gain access to a comprehensive set of resources including explainer videos, marking scheme breakdowns, revision areas, and lots more. Our materials are meticulously crafted to enhance understanding and boost confidence, helping students tackle even the toughest challenges with ease.

Examine the Past, Excel in the Future: 

Our expert teachers have broken down the last 20 years of Leaving Certificate Maths exam papers, to help you understand how best to tackle them. Each paper is dissected to provide valuable insights, equipping students with the tools they need to excel in their exams.

Unrestricted Access, Anytime, Anywhere: 

Unlike a fixed grind, our hub is always on, giving students the flexibility to access resources whenever they need them. Whether it’s late-night revision sessions or last-minute exam prep, we are here to support students every step of the way.

Start exploring now and empower your child to conquer Leaving Certificate Maths with confidence!

Leaving Cert 2022
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Paul’s teaching throughout the leaving certificate helped immensely. His ability to simplify a complicated topic with his explanations and methods really helped me as the tough maths sometimes overwhelmed me. It resulted in me getting a H1 and I still use his methods in college to this day.
Leaving Cert 2015
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Paul is not just a maths teacher, he's a mentor. His dedication and unwavering support propelled me from struggling with maths to achieving grades - higher than I ever thought possible. With his patient guidance, tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, Paul instilled in me a newfound confidence and love for maths.
Leaving Cert 2021
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I cannot recommend Paul highly enough. His combination of humour, relaxed confidence and calm approach meant that even the most complex and challenging maths problems were both explained and mastered. At times, maths problems that had seemed insurmountable in class were understood and absorbed easily.
Leaving Cert 2019
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Paul is a very personable and friendly guy who put me at ease with the leaving cert maths curriculum. Before I began working with Paul I was debating whether or not to drop from higher level. Thankfully, through Paul's great teaching skills and style he helped build my confidence which allowed me to understand the tough curriculum. Ultimately, I succeeded at higher level maths which resulted in me securing my desired course.
Leaving Cert, 2018
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As a student who battled dyslexia throughout school life, I entered 6th year with apprehension. However, under Paul’s guidance, that apprehension developed into confidence. Pauls clear teaching style and approachable demeanor created an environment where I felt supported and capable. With his guidance, I achieved a significant improvement from a C grade in the Junior Certificate to a H3 in my Leaving Certificate. Paul’s dedication and encouragement left an enduring mark on my academic journey, for which I am immensely grateful.
Exam Countdown!